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Shannon Levi

Shannon Levi

I was born and raised in Rome, Italy from a mixed marriage: Jewish-Italian father and Irish-American mother, hence the unusual name! I’ve been immersed in Travel my whole life by both trade and passion since both my parents – and indeed my entire family! – all work in the Travel Industry as tour managers, local guides, tour operators, airline agents, port agents, hoteliers, you name it! Working in Travel gave me the opportunity to cruise and tour a large portion of the world, with still Japan and Machu Picchu on my bucket list! But the most rewarding part of my job is creating tours that connect our Travellers to the local culture and bring hidden gems to light. During my free time, I enjoy browsing flea markets in search of antiques, taking walks with my dog – a Lagotto Romagnolo (that’s an Italian breed specialized in truffle hunting), growing “Prà” basil to make my own homemade Pesto sauce and exploring more of my country – Italy is indeed a bottomless treasure-trove of Liberal and Culinary Arts!