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GlobalFlagship Ecuador 700x350

2015 Global Flagship Project

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by Nicole Diebold

April 15, 2015

2 minute read

The Collette Foundation has officially launched our first Global Flagship Project. The purpose of launching a flagship program is to make a deeper impact in one place through concentrated effort, funding and closer work with our international partner leading to lasting, sustainable change. As we add to our worldwide global footprint that has been established with legacy programs in places like Peru and Africa, Ecuador joins the roster as our new flagship destination for 2015! In partnership with the not-for-profit Children International we are so excited to work to end malnutrition in Ecuador, one the leading causes of disease in children.

Over 27% of Ecuador’s population lives below the poverty line. Nearly 12% of this population is overweight, obese and malnourished children who live in and around Quito. Children International does inspiring work, building community centres to help those in need and offering Nutritional Rehabilitation Programs that target undernourished children ages 2-11. Our hope is that through our partnership we can change the lives of these children for the better – giving them a chance at a healthy, thriving future. Our work takes us to the Phelan-Emmett Community Centre in the community of La Lucha, which, thanks to our support, can launch a nutritional clinic and comprehensive program that will impact the lives of so many children. Stay tuned for more on the story of Ecuador and its children. Later this year, the community centre opens, and our work truly begins to take shape.

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